There are 3 recall actions in UK related to RENAULT TRUCKS UK LTD C. The latest recall action was on May 24th, 2023.

The details of the recall actions that are related to RENAULT TRUCKS UK LTD C are shown bellow:

Click on a RENAULT TRUCKS UK LTD C recall Action number to see the detail of the retail action and the affected VIN (Serial) numbers.

R/2023/1532023-05-24On affected vehicles there is a risk of damage to the wiper relay causing the wipers to stop working.
R/2023/0812023-05-23On affected vehicles there is a risk of corrosion in the steering extension shaft which might affect the steering manoeuvrability.
R/2023/0022023-01-09The screws for the front axle attachment might lose torque or come loose.

Others recall actions for RENAULT TRUCKS UK LTD

Currently there are 27 models of vehicles manufactured by RENAULT TRUCKS UK LTD that have recall actions in UK.

This is the list of affected models from RENAULT TRUCKS UK LTD.

Select the model to see all the details relevant to that model.

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