Select the model of manufacturer SCANIA TRUCK from the bellow list to have access to all the recalls of each model.
Currently there are 26 models of vehicles manufactured by SCANIA TRUCK that have recall actions in UK.
This is the list of affected models from SCANIA TRUCK.
Select the model to see all the details relevant to that model.
SCANIA TRUCK G410 A6x2/2NA recall
SCANIA TRUCK L 230 B4x2NB recall
SCANIA TRUCK L 230 B6x2*4NB recall
SCANIA TRUCK P 230 B4x2NA recall
SCANIA TRUCK P250 B4x2NA recall
SCANIA TRUCK P360 B6x2*4NB recall
SCANIA TRUCK PGR with Euro 6 recall
SCANIA TRUCK R460 A6x2/2NA recall
SCANIA TRUCK S500 A6x2NB recall
Usually when a manufacturer issues a recall action it is because it is serious and need to be repaired in order to keep the safety of vehicle. Other recall actions are not serious and do not impact on vehicle safety.
Nevertheless it is always safer to follow the manufacturer recommendation and do all the published and recall actions. The recall actions issued by the manufacturer are always free of charge for the vehicle owner, but the time and costs to take the vehicle to the recall are not reimbursed.
If you bought an used car, or intend to buy one, make sure that all the recall actions where done on your vehicle and ask for that information.
When selling your car, please inform the new buyer regarding the recall actions already done.
If you find a serious defect on your vehicle that is not listed in the recall action and that affects the safety of your vehicle, one of its parts, or an accessory, you should report it to the manufacturer immediately.
If you’re not happy with how the manufacturer is dealing with your report about the defects you found on your vehicle, contact the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) with a complete description of the situation and actions you have taken so that the DVSA can take the proper actions when contacting the manufacturer.
Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence V3.0.
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